Payment solutions

Scale and grow your business with SendOn's effective payment solutions.
We integrate the necessary tools into any service and customize
the infrastructure so your business grows with every successful payment.


What we offer

Payment on the
website and in the app

Accept payments via traditional card methods, Apple Pay and Google Pay, or Visa and Mastercard services. A full-fledged payment page will be customized to your design and integrated directly into the interface of your website or application.

Fast integration

For any business

Payment button

The easiest to set up and most multifunctional widget for your business. Provide your customers with different payment options with one button

Quick setup and configuration

Customized design

Payment invoices

Create invoices in minutes and accept cashless payments worldwide. Simply generate an invoice in your personal account and send it to your customer via any convenient communication channel

Speed of invoice creation

Possibility of invoicing in any communication channel


A modern tool for accepting cashless payments without POS terminals. Just generate a QR code and place it at the store or on the website

Saving time


Recurring payments

Receive subscription payments on the scheduled date. This is an effective tool for accepting regular payments without distracting your business processes.

Variety of payment plans

Easy integration

Improve your business operations

Integrate an efficient payment solution to meet your project needs

Fill out the form
to find out more

Our consultants will provide you
with detailed information on possible
solutions for your business


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